Friends and Family Tour 2017

Hazelwood, MO – We arrived in Hazelwood to visit GA’s sister Jayne and her fiancé Bill. As an added bonus, our visit coincided with 🎜 the total eclipse of the sun 🎝. (I didn’t like Carley Simon then and I still don’t) As usual, there was plenty to eat and drink and the visit was great. Among our activities, we saw Dunkirk at the movies, went to a pistol range to shoot, and visited a winery with a spectacular view. But of course, the highlight was the eclipse. Bill and Jane gave us t-shirts to wear and ISO certified glasses. We made a playlist of songs that had any reference to the sun or the moon. Of course we had to have a special menu which consisted of Sun Chips, Moon Pies, Tequila Sunrises made with Sunny D, and Oreo Mega Stuff cookies which you could squeeze the stuff out to make a corona around the cookie. We were going to have eggs ‘sunny side up’ but we didn’t want to ruin ...