Friends and Family Tour 2017

Hazelwood, MO – We arrived in Hazelwood to visit GA’s sister Jayne and her fiancé Bill.  As an added bonus, our visit coincided with 🎜the total eclipse of the sun🎝.  (I didn’t like Carley Simon then and I still don’t)  As usual, there was plenty to eat and drink and the visit was great.  Among our activities, we saw Dunkirk at the movies, went to a pistol range to shoot, and visited a winery with a spectacular view.  But of course, the highlight was the eclipse.  Bill and Jane gave us t-shirts to wear and ISO certified glasses.  We made a playlist of songs that had any reference to the sun or the moon.  Of course we had to have a special menu which consisted of Sun Chips, Moon Pies, Tequila Sunrises made with Sunny D, and Oreo Mega Stuff cookies which you could squeeze the stuff out to make a corona around the cookie.  We were going to have eggs ‘sunny side up’ but we didn’t want to ruin our lunch.  Rest assured that everything was low cal, nutritious, organic, free range, and antibiotic free.  The eclipse was awesome and without going anywhere we had 99.98% coverage.  It got as dark as it is at dusk.  Dark enough to make the temperature drop and the cicadas start chirping.

About 3am that morning we woke up to an awful racket.  It was the RV air conditioner.  Yep, it’s toast.  The evenings are going to be cool for the remainder of the trip until we head south so we are going to try to limp home and get it fixed there.  One thing I’ve learned, all RVers have a story.  Now we have one. 

A few days at Frank and Katie’s in Cincinnati then off to PA.

See Ya Out There

Hey GA! The eclipse is in the sky!


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